Part 5:
1945 to 2020: The Big Picture

Part 5, The Struggle for World Supremacy: 1945 - 2022 Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg Part 5, The Struggle for World Supremacy: 1945 - 2022 Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg

#88 World Power: An Aphrodisiac for the Unwary

The key to understanding the Americans and world power after 1945 is that maintaining her competitive advantage has always been her key political concern. That has meant creating and then maintaining key alliances with a select number of nation-states like Israel and the old colonial nations of Europe, Japan, and to a lesser degree South Korea. All the others were nations that needed to be dominated.

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#85 China and the rest of the World

Chinese foreign policy in the period from 1949 to 2000 was largely defensive and determined to maintain the revolution. Only after the Chinese treasury was replete with US dollars, and after they began to accommodate American and other western global companies, could they begin to develop a global policy. This was part of the story; the other vital aspect was the lesson they learned from the Soviet collapse in 1991.

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