Part 5:
1945 to 2020: The Big Picture

Part 5, The Global Economic Struggle: the last 50 years Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg Part 5, The Global Economic Struggle: the last 50 years Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg

#76 Gold, Dollars and World Trade

The dollar system for trade works well enough for the Western countries. But for any country which the USA disapproves of, she imposes 'sanctions' and that limits the availability of dollars for trade. Cuba has been sanctioned for decades by the USA. Today there are now many new examples: Russia, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, and Syria are perhaps the main sanctioned countries. Domestic banks across Europe are forced to demand that their customers conform to US foreign policy.

There are now movements to combat these hindrances. China has for some years wanted to use her currency, the renminbi, for world trade. China has already begun to avoid the dollar system, which regularly infuriates the leaders in Washington.

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#69 Development Aid: The Master Stroke

The mechanics of the West German recovery is a tale rarely told. The Marshall Plan was the means through which the Americans channelled money for the recovery of all states in Europe in the Western sector and Japan. The USA had 80% of the world’s gold supply, so could well afford the largesse needed by all the collapsed economies. Over the four years, $13 billion (equivalent to well over $100 billion today) or 0.5% of the USA Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was channelled into dollar-starved Europe

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