Part 5:
1945 to 2020: The Big Picture

Part 5, The Global Economic Struggle: the last 50 years Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg Part 5, The Global Economic Struggle: the last 50 years Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg

#73 Tax Havens and the World's Rich

Half of the world's trade is said to pass through the tax havens. Trillions of US dollars have managed to avoid tax. In some sense, crime and corruption have come to be accepted as normal business. There has been a significant public outcry at the existence of these havens, not least because the rich are not taxed in a fair and just manner. Whistle-blowers have managed to expose those using these tax havens, embarrassing wealthy firms and individuals.

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#67 The Creation of New Global Infrastructure to Rule the World

Well before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, US war planners were envisaging the defeat of Germany and Japan and the break-up of Europe's various Empires. They imagined the creation of small independent nations, umbilically tied into the US dollar and planners drafted blueprints for the United Nations. The ideologies of Pax Americana, Providential Exceptionalism and Universalism led a large group. The move of America to rule the world was rampant ambition over any specific political or economic need. This blog outlines the new global infrastructure the US set up post-1945 to rule the world.

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